Training, leadership development, and continued education within the cannabis industry are all things that we, at LearnLeaf, are extremely passionate about. We believe wholeheartedly that equipping team members with the tools needed to succeed in their roles and encouraging continued support for individuals and leaders is a major component to not only a successful company, but continued growth in the cannabis industry as a whole.

With constant innovation in the cannabis industry, there is opportunity to educate and re-educate our teams and our consumers time and time again. In fact, it is important that we are responsible for the education of these groups to ensure safe and consistent quality. Knowledge is power; we are proud to help our community cultivate successful teams who are knowledgeable about products, best practices, and so much more. We are excited to see that the industry, on a larger scale, is beginning to highlight the importance of quality training as well. 

Recently, Michigan’s Cannabis Regulatory Agency launched a social equity grant program that aims to boost businesses and encourage employee education and community reinvestment. Education and compliance were two key areas where grant funds could be used:

  • “Funds spent on employee education may be used for an employee of the entity to take one or more classes or courses that are relevant to the entity’s business from an accredited institution.
  • Funds spent on business needs may be used towards compliance with licensing and regulatory statutes and rules.”

Although the application window for the grant has since been closed, the development of grants and programs like these reflect the importance and impact of continued learning and training within the cannabis industry being recognized at high levels.

Here at LearnLeaf, we hope to continue to see this type of prioritization of investment in education in the future, especially via large platforms like the MCRA. To learn more about our commitment to furthering education and expertise in training within the cannabis industry, schedule a demo with us at

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